COVID-19 education campaign
Throughout 2020, AngloGold Ashanti rolled out COVID-19 awareness campaigns across its operations. In partnership with a communications agency, we developed a collection of social-media friendly material in an easily accessible format that was distributed at our operations and in communities and schools.
A series of posters and booklets were developed based on characters: Ma Joyce who looks after three children at home; Fred the shopkeeper; Joe the taxi driver; Omar and Noah who work at AngloGold Ashanti; Sarah a learner trying to catch up on work at home; and Dr Wilson.
The characters each represented aspects of everyday life and the education booklet explains how each character has changed the way they live and conduct business in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. An activity book was also distributed in communities and schools.
Animations, activity and character booklets were translated into isiXhosa, Setswana, isiZulu, Twi, Swahili and West African French. The animation was translated into South American Spanish so that the information reached as many of our employees, communities and stakeholders as possible.
We encouraged all of our employees to share the material widely through their own social media accounts, so the COVID-19 prevention messages were spread even further.
“It’s very important that as a company we make efforts to try and provide as much information at our operations and in our host communities as we can. We work closely with all our stakeholders and use social media to reach as many people as possible,” said Sabrina Brockman SVP: Investor Relations & Group Communications.
“The information is interesting and engaging. COVID-19 is a new disease and we have to help people understand there is no stigma in being ill, anyone can contract this illness. This education campaign informs as to the best action to take to prevent the spread in a number of everyday situations.”